The Ladies' Aid of the church was organized at the parsonage on January 15, 1886. Pastor H.A. Hartmann, his wife Aagot and a Miss Tonning (a guest at the parsonage) started the "Kvindeforening" or "Women's Association". The purpose was to work for "Missions". This tradition continues today through the Ladies' Aid and Circles.
Circles at Old West include: Magdalene and Rachel with a Ladies Aid group or “Mission Circle.” Old East has the Martha Circle. The women's groups are active in helping support Lutheran World Relief. Each year the women of Paint Creek put together school kits, layettes, health kits, and make quilts that are then shipped all over the world to people in need.
~Meatball Suppers and Norwegian Baked Goods~
In addition to mission work, the women gather for Bible Study, nursing home visits and planning church suppers and bake sales. Both churches are known for their Norwegian Meatball Suppers. Old East holds the event in the Spring and Old West in the Fall. The suppers include meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, salad and Norwegian Lefse!